Issue 5 · Winter 2021

Sciences and Arts

Coins, Trinkets, Bits and Bobs

Lydia Pyne 

Crystal B. Lake, Artifacts: How We Think and Write About Found Objects. Johns Hopkins University Press, 272pp., $35 paper.

By 1699, Dr. John Woodward, a prominent English naturalist, geologist, and antiquarian, had acquired a particularly curious shield as part of his antiquities studies. The shield was just over thirty centimeters in diameter, fantastically carved, and contained traces of gilding. In the ensuing years, Woodward became convinced that he had acquired an authentic bit of weaponry from ancient Rome—a view that Woodward felt was validated through his correspondence with a number of fellow antiquarians, historians, and other experts.

To read the full article, please click here to download the PDF file.

This article appears in Athenaeum Review Issue 5 (Winter 2021), pp. 119-122. Download a PDF copy.
Filed under History