Issue 7 · Summer 2022

Literary Lives

To Like, Or Not To Like?

Jonathan Hartmann 

Jonathan Gray, Dislike-Minded: Media, Audiences, and the Dynamics of Taste. New York University Press, 272 pp. $89 cloth, $30 paper.

For over ten years, media theorist Jonathan Gray has pushed beyond studies of fandom, the gathering of likers around their favorite programming, to explore the realm of what he terms dislike. As he explains in Dislike-Minded, we live through our favorite television shows much as we live through our pets. Just as dear Fido will always be sweet and harmless, so the programs we fall in love with can do no wrong, at least for the space of our infatuation. In Dislike-Minded, Gray turns media studies on its head, using qualitative interviews of more than 200 people to help explain why dislike matters more than simple liking.

[To read the full article, please download the PDF below.]

This article appears in Athenaeum Review Issue 7 (Summer 2022), pp. 59-61. Download a PDF copy.