
Mark and Dot

While their careers took vastly differing paths—Tworkov had the mark and Kusama had the dot—their philosophical and gestural strategies ran in parallel, sharing a skepticism of prevailing aesthetic orthodoxies. Jason Andrew · Issue 8 ·

Joel Barlow’s Eccentric American Vision

Barlow believed that “Science and republican progress, coupled with religion and the growing humanity of man, portended the millennium, which he believed would take place on earth before the second coming of God.” Ed Simon · Issue 8 ·

The Evolution and Extinction of Lady Liberty

Abstracted women as symbols of liberty on U.S. coins contrasted starkly with the personification of British and Spanish monarchs on their coins.Robert J. Stern · Issue 6 ·

Four Images of a Neapolitan Rebellion

Visual representation of a rebellion like Masaniello’s is tricky, because an artist needs to choose to present just a moment of a temporally extended action.David Carrier · Issue 6 ·

Dismantling Living Legacies of White Supremacy

Inspired by student outrage and global anti-racist activism, faculty, staff, and students at UT Dallas have organized a series of teach-ins organized around the theme of “Living Legacies of White Supremacy at UTD and Beyond.”UTD Anti-Racist Teach-In Series · Issue 6 ·

Damn Lies and Statistics: A Critique of Probability

The threshold (the present moment) of the past (all that might be known for certain) abuts upon the radical otherness of the unpredictable future.Frederick Turner · Issue 6 ·

Bonds of Salvation: How Christianity Inspired and Limited American Abolitionism

Men and women like Marsden imagined themselves in an international, millennial battle for the spiritual salvation of everyone, enslaved and free. The activism of black Christians appeared to them a distraction for the more holy work of expanding salvation for all. Ben Wright · Issue 6 ·

NFTs: The Afterlife of the Aura

NFTs are liable to physically attack the artworks they represent as long as there is a financial incentive for them to do so—and such an incentive is hard-wired into their blockchain nature. Julia Friedman and David Hawkes · Issue 6 ·

President Biden, Langston Hughes, and the Expansion of the American Dream

Once treated as tangential to American politics, Hughes’s “dream deferred” is now being imagined as a means to guide and expand political approaches to “the American Dream.” Kimberly Hill · Issue 6 ·

Digital Art NFTs: The Marriage of Art & Money

The real ethical objection to the rise of NFTs involves the elimination of aesthetics itself as a discrete sphere of human experience.Julia Friedman and David Hawkes · Issue 6 ·

Britten’s Albert Herring

An artist needs to have inspiration upon which to draw beyond being told what to do on stage—, the kind of inspiration that might arise from having thought seriously about the novel.Samuel I. Grosby ·

The Inceptions of Deception

Deception is exceedingly speedy, a masterpiece of succinctness, propulsion, and focused kinesis; it races like a film helmed by a director notorious for quick shoots.Sean Hooks ·

Dealing with Disappointment in Democracy

Healthy democracies deal with the disappointment they continuously generate by keeping “winners” and “losers” fluid, always open to reconstitution, not hard-and-fast divisions. Michael Fischer · Issue 5 ·

From Laboratory to Museum

Many of the notes written on the pages provide mundane details of the experiments—things a researcher would write as a record for future reference—but across the top of the left page in large, all-capital letters are the words: “TOLL, TOLL, TOLL.”Elizabeth Molacek and Aaron Fond · Issue 5 ·

Voyaging with Charles Darwin on the Beagle

We have to imagine the father of evolutionary science clambering over volcanic landscapes, reeking of sweat, covered in dirt and beetles, like some kind of animistic shaman communing with the wilderness.Amit Majmudar · Issue 5 ·


These five poems tell the story of a life. Written between January and April of 2020, they explore my desire to understand the reverberations of physical trauma on me and those I love. Jane Saginaw · Issue 5 ·

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