Issue 8 · Spring 2023

The Past is Present

“My Side of the Line”

The Punisher and Vigilante Violence in Contemporary America

Peter Jay Ingrao 

On January 6th, 2021, thousands of Donald Trump supporters stormed the Capitol Building where Congress was beginning the electoral vote count. Five deaths and well over a hundred injuries to Capitol Police Officers, among others, were the result. Even before this unprecedented show of vigilante violence, Americans had suffered a string of mass shootings dating back several years. CBS News reported that 417 mass shootings took place in 2019, noting that this number surpasses the number of days in a single year, and this heartbreaking trend continues. If, as Rand Richard Cooper astutely argues in “Devilish Adaptations,” cinematic and televised representations of superheroes “offer us a view of our collective self, revealing the underlying urgencies of the moment,” how do we now assess antiheroes such as the Punisher who take the law into their own hands and seek “justice” at the smoking muzzle of a gun?

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This article appears in Athenaeum Review Issue 8 (Spring 2023), pp. 153-158. Download a PDF copy.