Issue 8 · Spring 2023

The Future of the Humanities

A New Horizon for the Study of the Arts and Humanities

Rainer Schulte 

A great deal of nervousness and dissatisfaction has entered the hall of the study of the arts and humanities. Changes will have to occur to bring a new direction to the current uncertainty of these studies. The word that immediately comes to my mind is the German word Vordenken. The word, which has no immediate English word correspondence, denotes thinking toward the future. However, it has a prominent presence in German newspapers, literary magazines, and academic journals. To think toward the future could be considered a new paradigm. The idea of Vordenken is not particularly cherished in the academic world of the arts and humanities. The thinking and academic practice seem to be more oriented toward preserving the research and intellectual approaches of the past.

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This article appears in Athenaeum Review Issue 8 (Spring 2023), pp. 30-35. Download a PDF copy.