
Roger Malina

Roger Frank Malina is an artscience researcher, educator, editor, astrophysicist. He co-founded the UTDallas ArtSciLab, with Design Professor Cassini Nazir. We enable close collaboration between scientists and artists, and other hybrid projects that require science of team science methods. We develop data performance and transdisciplinary research and apprenticeships. ASL also carries out research in experimental publishing and curating in collaboration with MIT Press and Leonardo/ISAST and OLATS. Former NASA PI University of California Berkeley Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer satellite. Former CNRS Director Observatoire Astronomique de Marseille Provence, Marseille. Executive Editor Leonardo Publications, MIT Press. BS Physics MIT 1972, PhD Astronomy UC, Berkeley 1979. Honorary Doctorate from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, and the Ars Electronica Golden Nika for collective work through Leonardo.