
Bruce Brasington

Bruce Brasington received his undergraduate degree in History from Oklahoma State University, a MA from SMU, directed by the late Jeremy DuQ. Adams  and a second MA and PhD from UCLA.  He joined the faculty at West Texas A&M University in 1990. His research primarily concerns medieval Roman and canon law prior to the thirteenth century. In addition to over fifty articles and book chapters, he has authored or co-authored several books, most recently Order in the Court. Medieval Procedural Treatises in Translation, published by Brill in 2016.  He teaches a wide variety of courses, from introductory Amerian History to graduate seminars in pre-modern European History, as well as Latin tutorials. He also has been a visiting professor at the Technische Universität Dresden on several occasions, where he has taught various  colloquia and seminars on topics such as medieval latin codicology and legal history. He has received several honors in recent years, notably Regents’ Professor of the Texas A&M System and a Minnie Stevens Piper Professorship.